Peter B. Smith
4 min readApr 8, 2023

Thinkers, able minded, beautiful people intensely loyal to the most dangerous man on earth.

My Answer To A Friends Letter Titled:

“Trump’s Arrest Proves We Live Under Democratic Tyrrany.”

You know what? I am troubled by something I must bring forward.

I consider you to be the model of grace, of beauty of class and of intellect, a Princess. you knock it out of the park in every category.

This view I have of you I can not get to blend with what feels like to me is you being held captive in a place where you have no opportunity to look over the wall that imprisons you.

It is the only scenario in which it makes sense that you might speak favorably and in defense of Mr. Trump. To me it is as obvious as day or night, perhaps he is like one of those illusions you might see in a magazine where you look at an image and the person beside you sees something completely different? He, our last President occupies the lowest rung of the human condition. Pathological liar, adulterer, a criminal and a con, a man who speaks so poorly of women as if they are cattle. A man who speaks out in the most extreme ways to any that may simply disagree. He looks to destroy good men and women that may or have shown him in a less than favorable light. His history with how he treats the poor, the way he looks to influence world leaders in ways to benefit personally. His bizarre submissive stance with Mr Putin whom he treats as a god and acts as though he is Putins Bitch groveling at his feet looking for approval that will never come. His friendship and defense of Russia begging to be welcomed by the other most dangerous leader on earth as they invade our internet setting up gigantic propaganda machines spreading wild and wrong information that many will believe. Trumps world presents in ways attributable to the bully in the sandbox.

His Lack of work ethic or empathy for any. An ego that will cause him to go to extraordinary lengths to be famous, to be talked about. Cheap replacement for the respect he will never know. Oddly however in awe his followers show of him at the same time they too afford him little respect but they get behind him like warriors do there General when they expect to win. An extravert with an energy and skills long ago learned to carry a room, he can stand up and tell his lies and just suck up the applause as his people don’t care, they have been relieved of foundational thought. People love the trouble he brings and as the chief instigator people flock to his side knowing a reward awaits to win with him, while nothing awaits to do the right thing, except of course knowing you did the right thing! Boring as hell I know. He gives no value to courtesy, manners, honesty or behaving like a man. He has given credibility to not acting like a man as honor is devalued so far down it gets less credit than a well presented lie. We’re we not brought up to do what we say we are going to do, to show respect and offer the benefit of the doubt. To be curious when engaging those not like us? He gave his supporters a green light to put aside those fundamentals we lived by relieving people of the burden of structure and right and wrong.

However why I despise him as I do and why he is not good enough to carry a positive thought within you is simply this.

He does not love his country, he does not work to forward America as he disassembles the long term for short term minority gain, his decisions do not include, are not influenced by what is best for the people, all of them. Of course he must appear to include the future of others he does not,he simply has to say he does and that’s the end of it. He has relieved people of the burden of thought, to be wrong is the knew right.

You have limited your education and stopped learning as a whole , only what the right says. To be political and have an opinion means knowing what both sides say, to absorb how a judge should, not do and believe as you’re told.

Tyranny was what we knew when those laws were being broken, not what is now the result of having done so.

To focus on the laws he broke and he did, to suggest the charges should not be brought is shallow thinking and not the point. A strong argument is made that keeping Stormy quiet is how he got elected, to consider the results of his crimes is where wise men will judge.😘



Peter B. Smith

30 years in Art & Antiques. Host “The Antiques Airshow” WATD Radio. Certified Appraiser. Lover of words. Student of the human condition. Yes that’s my picture:)